Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Shameful Pride

House republicans agreed that they would allow a vote next week for an increase in the Federal "debt ceiling". And, Joseph R. Biden said that bipartisan talks are being discussed among Congress to increase that amount to at least one trillion in savings; although, this would be part of new money.(Yay, more debt!) Timothy F. Geithner, treasury secretary, believes that this will be good for our nations "financial health" and that our nation will "make good on its debts". Dave Camp, of the Ways and Means Committee, introduced a measure that would raise the federal limit of 14.3 trillion by 2.4 trillion.
Democrats saw this as a stunt which was meant to fail in order to raise alarms on their side sounded by the republicans. As if the point hadn't been driven home already. Unfortunately though, leaders on both sides are pushing for an "extension" to the debt limit, and have the audacity to say that this will keep the U.S. from the possible "risk of plunging the economy into a further recession."
Biden is focused on reductions to health-care(You know, to eliminate the old folks who can no longer produce).
It seems that both parties are currently to caught up in their pride and are ready to take a further fall down this steep cliff of shame. Democrats are worried that if the republicans form a strategy that makes any "significant changes" that they will lose their "political edge". Republicans are trying to raise the debt limit at their own behest. And Reid is threatening to bring to the floor the already House passed budget that includes plans to overhaul Medicare.(Oh what sorrow of shame.){1}


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